Current Exhibition


Curator: Song Xianjun

Opening: April 12 , 1-3 PM



Li Xuan

True Colour Art Gallery is delighted to present the solo exhibition "COSMOS" by Chinese artist Li Xuan (b.1941-d.2011). Born in Beijing, China, Li Xuan began his artistic journey at the age of 8. His artistic talent was nurtured in traditional Chinese culture and flourished under the influence of Western science, philosophy, and literature during his youth. He eventually developed his unique personal style by combining the fluid strokes used in traditional Chinese calligraphy and paintings with the compositional structure of Western abstraction.

Li Xuan's world mirrors Western philosophy while constantly engaging in dialogue with Eastern masters such as Zao Wou-Ki, Wu Guanzhong, and Zhu Dequn. Like these luminaries, Li Xuan never confines himself to the conventions of painting. He infuses each work with a unique soul by subverting traditional techniques and material handling, revealing meticulous rationality within the seemingly chaotic interplay of abstract forms.

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